CM.041 SD6 is a revolutionary replica manufactured by CYMA, representing the next quantum leap in the production of ASG replicas by Chinese manufacturers.
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Each replica has a unique serial number!
This exceptional replica surprises with its unparalleled quality. The upper and lower body parts fit together seamlessly, leaving no gaps. The replica is primarily made of metal, including the upper receiver, outer barrel, sights, suppressor, and stock, which are constructed from ZnAl. The stock foot and lower receiver are precision-made from nylon, the same material used in real firearms.
Internally, the CM.041 SD6 boasts a reinforced ver.2 gearbox featuring steel gears mounted on reinforced 7mm bearings. The spring guide, along with the bearing (please note that v.3 guides are used), is reinforced with metal, facilitating smoother spring action. The replica utilizes a 120m/s spring, providing a shot force of approximately 400 FPS. The polymer piston features metal teeth, and the cylinder is made of stainless steel (type "1"), ensuring optimal surface smoothness. Additionally, the replica benefits from a noise-reducing piston and cylinder head set made of aluminum and coated with a blue anodized finish, with the piston head featuring a bearing.
The functionality of the gearbox is bound to astonish users, and the CM.041 SD6 is fully compatible with parts and accessories from other manufacturers, allowing for extensive modifications. Equipped with neodymium magnets, the replica's powerful motor boasts increased torque, further enhancing its performance.
- replica CM.041 SD6
- battery mini 8,4V 1200mAh
- charger
- 200rd Hi-Cap magazine
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