CM.048SU is a replica of the AK74. The new replica 048SU is currently one of the best AK74 replicas on offer!
NOTICE! Replica have a unique serial number!
Body, flash hider, top cover, and the folded stock has been made of steel (bent sheet). The remaining elements such as the outer barrel, gas block, the base rear sight, and side rail were also made of metal ( ZnAl).
The hand guard, pistol grip is made of wood.
The latch of the stock, which is the part exposed to easy breaking, has been made of steel, thanks to which the fault known from DBKi's RK models has been eliminated.
All parts are mounted on pins like in a real AK.
Inside there is a reinforced ver.3 gearbox, steel gears are mounted on reinforced 7mm bearings.
The spring guide is reinforced (metal) together with the bearing, which makes the spring work easier - 120m / s spring, giving a shot force of about 400 FPS.
Polymer piston has metal teeth and the cylinder - type "0" - was covered with black nickel "SMOKED" on the copper substrate providing perfect smoothness of the surface.
A huge advantage is the silent piston and cylinder head set, made of aluminum and covered with a blue anode,the piston head has bearing.
The replica has a powerful engine with increased torque equipped with neodymium magnets.
The way how gearbox is functioning will surprise a user.
The most important think, is that all accessories from other brand are compatible with this model, this influence on the longevity of your replica and on upgrade part and performance.
We tested the whole mechanism on the spring 130 m / s which gave us 455 FPS, after 30 thousand bb we reopened the mechanism and there was almost no sign of wear!
It is worth noting that all parts and accessories of other manufacturers are fully compatible with this model, which is very important when you decide on the upgrade.
- replica AK74
- battery 8,4V 1200mAh
- battery charger
- 525rd hi-cap magazine
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